2015/16 BANTAM A TRYOUTS, News, Bantam A, 2015-2016 (Bluewater Hawks Girls Hockey)

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This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 12, 2015 | lpayne | 3848 views
Final Roster has now been posted on the "Tryout Player List"


Tryouts Welcome to try-outs for the upcoming 2015/16 season. The team roster will be finalized by April 22nd 2015.  The first re-assignment will take place after the first two evaluation skates. Returning players and up-to-date tryout schedules will be posted on the association website after each skate (Bluewater Hawks Bantam A under "Tryout Player List" under Team Home Page on Left)

After the team has been selected, we plan to have a couple of exhibition games prior to May 14th....(continued)....

We will not extend tryouts to wait for other players to come after cuts from other associations. We want only players who will be 100% committed to playing Bantam A hockey for the Bluewater Hawks

Our Approach

Our ultimate goal is for the girls to have fun, improve and develop their skills, have a strong sense of team belonging, and enjoy the great game of hockey!  While we will implement some systems—it would be difficult to play as a team and to win otherwise—we will encourage the girls to take chances and to never give up on a play. If you play too cautious, you can’t get any better.

We plan to have two 1 ½ hour practices per week starting in September. Our practices will be fast paced, and emphasize both skill development and team play. We expect the girls to work as hard as they can every practice and every game. Unless there is a very good excuse, we will expect the players to participate in every practice and game. We will also expect the players to do their best to attend any team activities, such as parties, team meals etc. 

We will not tolerate any form of bullying, disrespect or any other behaviour that is poisonous to the team. With this in mind, all players selected to the team, and their parents, will be required to sign a team ‘code of conduct’. The code of conduct will clearly layout our expectations, and the consequences for failing to live up to those expectations. Best of luck to all players at the tryouts!  Work hard and give 100% in each drill. 

Thank you, Bob Andersen (cell: 226-973-8275) and Ken Payne (cell: 519-854-2411) Head Coaches, Bluewater Hawks Bantam 2015/16 Season