Oct 21, 2011 | sbeer | 1380 views
Injuries, Injuries, Injuries what is going on!!!!
Well the season is upon us after a 2 month learning curve. We have had our ups and downs thats for sure. I look back at the stats for the team at this time and I am perplexed as our record at this point is not indicative of how the girls have played.
We have had a great amount of success in regards to learning the Team concepts that the coaching staff have implemented. We continue to work hard at practices and what we are focusing on at this time will pay off dividends later in the year. What I can say is that we have been continually depleted by injuries. We have only played 2 games this year with a full complement of girls, we have been missing 2 girls for 6 games and 3 or 4 girls for the 7 other games that are listed on our Team record.
I have talked to everyone on the team about this and I continue to focus on the year ahead. We are plagued with injuries at this time but this will make us all work harder in the games and we will learn to work smarter as well. Being continually short handed is not a pleasant experience except for the fact that everyone gets more ice time. I can assure you all that once we are healthy again I will hear the odd complaint about ice time and possible lack thereof. I will ask you all now to focus on what is important and that is continuing to work hard on every shift in every game. The year plan that I have laid out will have us playing our best in the final month of the year headed into playoffs. We have 2 Tournaments in the final 3 weeks of the season and we will be challenged in those Tournaments I can assure you. They will prepare us for a guaranteed long run in the playoffs. For now remember to gets lots of rest, be practicable with what you do away from the hockey arena and always remember to keep a positive attitude once you get to the rink.
The Team is bonding well when we are all together, try to ensure that you think of the Team first and what it will mean to the rest of the girls when you make decisions about what you are doing away from the rink. Remember to keep your bosses apprised of what our schedule is and try your best t be at every skate whether its a game or practice. I have noticed that for a few its easy to be ther for games but we have been light for practices. We will not grow as a Team unless we are all on the same page and olny you can ensure that we develope as planned. Rest up and see you all in Kitchener tonight, 8:30 puck drop.