Sunday try outs and final roster, News, U11B, U11 (Bluewater Hawks Girls Hockey)

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Apr 28, 2024 | Jay Hyatt | 1078 views
Sunday try outs and final roster
Good afternoon, Thank you to all the volunteers that helped with setting up and monitoring the on ice activities.Thank you to all who tried out for the U11B team. It was great to see everyone working so hard. I again had to make some difficult choices. If the you do not see your name on the list please follow the U11C tryout schedule.

Elodie Buck
Haley Butler
Hadley DeGouw
Lauchlyn DeGouw
Sadie Dufton
Piper Hyatt
Monroe Mitchell
Lucy Pereria
Eleanor Richardson
Kinsley Tombrowicz
Lily Thuss
Avery Vanos
Haile Walker
Lacey Whelan
