Nov 29, 2016 | Tracy Harvie | 728 views
Zumba Dryland
Hey Everyone...we have booked the team for two ZUMBA
dryland sessions. December 1st and December 7th in the Westcast Room
- 6:30pm-7:30pm just before
practice. The girls should arrive by 6:15pm to stretch and the class
will start promptly at 6:30pm. They
should come prepared to sweat! Lots of core, leg and ab work. If
they have a set of hand weights please have them bring them. They aren't
mandatory, but good to have. If anyone has an extra set, please bring
them for those who don't have one. 3lb weights are likely fine or 5lb if
they want the extra challenge. Be sure to bring water and wear athletic
attire and a good pair of running shoes.