Apr 24, 2016 | Mark Van Geffen | 3569 views
Final Team
Thank-you to everyone for trying out. There was some great effort seen. If your name does not appear below, we wish you luck this year! For all players listed below see you Friday night for our first exhibition game.
Olivia Battram
Molly Battram
Justine Belan
Anika Brants
Katie Damen
Samara George
Estelle Lebeau
Sadie Lewis
Katelyn Malanuik
Allyson Scotchmer
Claire Stanton
Charlotte Stewardson
Brooke Van Geffen
Brooklyn Van Riel
Could all players and parents attend Crabby Joe's in Strathroy after Friday's game for a team meeting. Please bring a deposit of $250.00 and have your contact information ready.