Tryouts: Strathroy-Caradoc Arena Rules, News (Bluewater Hawks Girls Hockey)

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Aug 14, 2021 | Website Administrator | 1783 views
Tryouts: Strathroy-Caradoc Arena Rules
Please review the Stage 3 Strathroy-Caradoc Arena Rules prior to attending tryouts:  Strathroy Caradoc Arena Rules

Arena Access and Egress:
- We may only access the arena 30 minutes before ice time 
- We are permitted to have only one spectator per participant at the facility
- Masks must be worn at all times by all spectators while in the Facility. A 2m distance must be maintained between those not in the same household

- We may access through the lobby for sign-in, incl. COVID screening, and then head directly to ice area 
- Everyone entering the facility must be screened for COVID 19. Tablets are located inside of the front lobby and QR codes are provided

- We are not to congregate in the lobby
- Spectator may progress to the stands (maintain social distancing) and vacates from the arena pad side doors (signage will be posted at the arena)
- We are not to leave through the lobby at this time