Health Unit - Control RED Update, News (Bluewater Hawks Girls Hockey)

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Dec 13, 2020 | Website Administrator | 1149 views
Health Unit - Control RED Update
The following COVID-19 guidelines will come into effect for the Middlesex-London Health Unit on Monday December 14, 2020.

1. We are only permitted 10 players (including goalies), plus 2 coaches on-ice per session.

2. We are permitted to have 1 trainer and 1 additional team representative off-ice per ice session.

3. No further scrimmages. We are permitted to run “on ice training” only. A 2 metre distance must be maintained between players and staff on the ice for “training and skill” development-based skates.

4. Dressing rooms are now locked. Players will need to come partially/fully dressed.  There will be chairs set out to get skates and final items on prior to the ice.

5. Masks continue to be mandatory for all areas within the arena (off ice) for players (this includes when putting your skates and final equipment items on).

6. We need to ensure players are distanced by 2 metres both on the ice and off the ice.  DO NOT have players pick up pucks, circle around a white board for instructions, line up in corners, etc.....

7. Arena access and egress remains the same with separate entrance and exits.

** Coaches will be responsible to break their groups/teams into appropriate numbers for each of their individual skates